I have ported out connection data related to protocols like HTTP,WebSocket and also related to sockets to javascript.
Now I data related to these protocols can be accessed through new interfaces.
Data related to different protocol in particular are -
HTTP - Host name, Port no., No. of active connections, No. of idle
connections, if connection is using SPDY or not (In future - socket
identifiers for particular connections, RTT for connections, TTL etc.)
connections, if connection is using SPDY or not (In future - socket
identifiers for particular connections, RTT for connections, TTL etc.)
WebSocket - Host name, Port no. (In future - No of messages sent so far)
Socket - Socket identifier and packets sent or received via that socket can be
seen. (Not perfect right now.)
We can search for different HTTP connections for their packets in Socket data via identifiers.
Next, I might add a new interface over all of these interface which combines all of these data and returns a single JSON string. We can also do some calculations using these data.